

威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校认为仇恨/偏见事件以及所有偏见和不容忍的表现都与我们作为一所大学和一个社区的使命背道而驰, as well as a threat to each individual's right to a safe living, 学习, 工作环境. The 偏见事件报告 (BIRT) Team provides an outlet to share, 文档, 并妥善处理所有此类事件,以更好地了解我们的校园氛围.


某人做的事, 说, or otherwise expresses that is motivated by bias related to age, 比赛, 种族, 性, color, 信条, 宗教, 残疾, 资深地位, 性别认同或表达, 国家的起源, 性取向, 政治面貌, 婚姻状况, or any combination of these or other related factors.

提交一个 偏见事件报告表.

What can I expect from the bias incident reporting process? 


If you are the target of bias/hate (or witness a bias/hate incident), fill out a 偏见事件报告表. 尽可能详细. If you would rather stay anonymous, you will have that option (though, 隐瞒信息可能会限制我们分享下一步和任何由此产生的行动的能力。. 一旦表格尽你所能完成,你就提交了, the 偏见事件报告 Team will be notified.


If you do not wish to submit a 偏见事件报告表, 请致电院长办公室715-836-5626或到斯科菲尔德240拜访他们.



一旦偏见事件报告小组收到偏见/仇恨事件报告表格, 首信将在48小时内发送给提交申请的个人. The letter contains personalized content reflecting the incident, along with a robust list of campus resources. 首先也是最重要的, BIRT确保受到偏见/仇恨事件影响的人立即获得安全和支持. 下一个, BIRT将偏见/仇恨案件分配给相应的校园部门进行立即审查并采取下一步措施, which can include providing support to individual(s) and/or communities, forwarding the report for investigation, and strategizing the need for additional educational programming. 


After the completion of all available actions in 第二步, 最后一封信将寄给最初提交偏见事件报告表的个人. 最后一封信将包括所采取的任何行动(根据保密限制), 还有机会问澳门葡京网赌送彩金这个过程的其他问题, 结果, or efforts to stem future incidents. Once the final letter is sent, the case will be closed. 如果获得更多信息,该案件可随时重新审理. 此外,任何卷入偏见/仇恨事件的人都可以随时就案件提出问题. 


An outline of a person's arms embracing other individuals' outlines.


为了防止偏见/仇恨事件为校园内的任何个人或团体创造敌对环境,并干扰威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的教育使命, 我们认为,大学和校园社区内所有有良知的人必须提高他们的声音,反对仇恨和不容忍的信息. Please join us in our efforts to reject prejudice, 歧视, 以及仇恨行为,以维持和促进文化多样性和包容性的校园氛围,在这种氛围中,所有的身份和观点都被接受. 

包容从“我”开始," and each of us plays a critical role in maintaining a safe, 尊重校园社区. In order to foster a culture of reporting, 我们必须尽自己的一份力量,让彼此对我们公平的机构使命负责, 多样性, 和包容. 如果您目击或知道偏见/仇恨事件,请提交偏见事件报告表. If you were the target of bias/hate, we encourage you to reach out. If you do not feel comfortable submitting a 偏见事件报告表, ask a trusted friend to do it for you. 在任何时候,我们都邀请您联系偏见事件报告小组的任何成员. 

Our First Amendment Considerations

必须指出,并非所有可能冒犯个人或团体的行为都将被视为歧视行为和违反制度或机构政策. The university values and emb比赛s the ideals of freedom of inquiry, 思想自由, 以及言论自由, all of which must be vitally sustained in a community of scholars. 具体事件是否构成大学政策或联邦法律所禁止的骚扰,将根据具体情况决定. Due consideration will be given to the protection of First Amendment rights.

而宪法第一修正案保护有时会冒犯他人的思想的自由表达, that does not mean the university is powerless to respond. Instead of trying to censor or punish free 演讲, 偏见事件报告小组记录并跟踪这些事件,以便:

  • 协助偏见/仇恨对象获得适当的支持服务(如有要求)
  • 在校园内协同工作,开发编程和培训机会,以解决个人和系统的不平等问题
  • Detect emerging patterns of biased or hateful activity, both on campus and within the greater community
  • Publish aggregated data about bias/hate incidents and trends
  • 为防止未来的偏见/仇恨事件向校园领导提出建议

Due to the variability of incidents, the BIRT team also consults with students, 教师, and staff from other UW-Eau克莱尔 departments, 项目, 以及能够帮助团队对偏见/仇恨事件的报告做出最明智回应的组织.

不受第一修正案保护的偏见或仇恨行为的人可能会受到纪律处分或起诉. Possible examples include physical assault, 破坏公物, 非法侵入, 骚扰, 煽动, 或者是真正的暴力威胁. 

The 偏见事件报告 Team team includes:

Christopher Jorgenson(主席)|多样性、包容性和领导力执行董事
玛迪Blong & Rosa Gomez | Equity in Student Matters Commission (Student Senate)
Deb Newman | 住房和居住生活
Caitlin Lee | 多元文化学生服务
Gregg Heinselman | Interim 教务长
Mike Knuth | Integrated Marketing and Communications
凯丽·弗里德|性别 & 性资源中心
Catherine Emmanuelle | Center for Racial and Restorative Justice



What is BIRT and what does it do?

BIRT stands for 偏见事件报告 Team. 该团队每年定期召开会议,以完善针对偏见事件的应对计划,最终目标是改善校园气候. 具体情况具体分析, the BIRT team consults with students, 教师 and staff from other UW-Eau克莱尔 departments, 能够帮助团队对偏见/仇恨事件的报告做出最明智的回应的项目和组织. 


  • 教务长
  • 住房和居住生活
  • 多元文化学生服务
  • 反歧视行动
  • 性别 & 性资源中心
  • Integrated Marketing and Communication
  • Center for Racial and Restorative Justice

A bias/hate incident is an act of conduct, 演讲, 或带有明显偏见动机的表达(无论该行为是否犯罪).

Who can report a bias/hate incident?


How do I report a bias/hate incident?

If the incident involves a threat or injury and is happening or just happened, please call the POLICE at 911 immediately.

All other bias incidents can be reported in one or all of the following ways:

  • Report to a Resident Assistant or Hall Director in the residence halls.
  • 完成一份偏见事件报告.
  • 在weweek网站上找到这份报告.或在UW-Eau克莱尔网站右上方的搜索栏中输入“BIRT”.
  • Report to any of the BIRT members.
What happens after I make a BIRT report?

报告将与任何能够协助BIRT团队的部门共享. 名字。s are removed initially to protect a potential victim’s privacy, but may be shared later with the victim’s permission. 针对每个事件确定响应,并根据报告的细节而变化.

学生怎么办?, 教师, or staff who are identified as perpetrators of bias/hate incidents?

事件和可能的肇事者由适当机构进行调查.e. 学生主任和/或宿舍工作人员(学生)和人力资源工作人员(教职员工). Once a determination has been made by the investigating officer or agency, actions will be taken to address any behavior that doesn’t meet our policies. Education will be provided to try to prevent future incidents.

Does BIRT publish results from its reports?

是的! You can find annual reports in the 年度偏见事件报告 标签上面. 

  • Report any incidents of which you are aware.
  • Attend bystander training opportunities on campus (i.e. 安全空间训练).
  • Confront peers who engage in bullying or biased behavior.


BIRT Annual Incident Report 2022-23

BIRT Annual Incident Report 2021-22

BIRT Annual Incident Report 2020-21

BIRT Annual Incident Report 2019-20

BIRT Annual Incident Report 2018-19

*Earlier BIRT Incident Reports can be made available upon request to edi@ycyjjc.com

Navigating Bias on College Campuses (External Resources)




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