

The 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校's rehabilitation science degree is an excellent choice for those interested in kinesiology and providing care for special populations, 比如老年人, 残疾人和患有慢性疾病的人. 这是西澳大学系统的第一个学位, 不断发展的专业将为你在各种职业中取得成功做好准备, 包括物理治疗, 职业治疗和脊椎指压治疗.

在整个项目中, you'll learn the physiological basis of human movement and the functional changes in body systems. 综合课程, presentations and projects will introduce you to special topics and areas of focus within the field, 如矫正运动规划, 临床运动生理学, 运动生理学实验室评估, 研究, 并为残疾人群调整了体育活动.

The kinesiology department prides itself on providing students with opportunities to apply what they've learned in the classroom to real-world situations. 作为课程的一部分, 你将在当地医院和诊所参加各种实习, 获得真正的, 一路走来的专业经验. 和P一起工作.R.I.D.E (Physical Activity and 娱乐 for Individuals with Disabilities in the 欧克莱尔 Area), 社区健身, or Cancer Recovery and Fitness outreach programs offered on campus will further provide you with critical skills and valuable connections.

Our 3+2 program option lets you earn both your bachelor’s degree in rehabilitation science (pre-athletic training concentration) and master’s degree in athletic training in only five years. This accelerated format allows you to start your master's level coursework in your fourth year, 节省你的时间和金钱,让你更快地进入这个领域!

Graduates leave the program prepared to demonstrate and teach patients how to best care for themselves and to promote physical activity as an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. 具备知识, 提供有效保健所需的工具和经验, you'll graduate ready to improve the quality of life for all your future patients. 

Senior Terrell Kopping has been coaching area youth football teams throughout his years as a student at UW-Eau克莱尔.


在多代同堂的家庭中长大, rehabilitation science grad Terrell Kopping grew up with his mother and grandparents as his primary caregivers. 当他祖父心脏病发作的时候, 医疗紧急情况变得非常个人化. Terrell was fascinated by the physical therapists who helped his grandfather regain his strength.


不久之后,特雷尔决定进入医疗保健行业, 希望成为一名老年或儿科物理治疗师. And he found just what he was looking for in a college — and in its faculty members — at UW-Eau克莱尔. 



相关学生组织. 校内学生组织,比如物理预科 & 职业治疗协会 and the Pre-Chiropractic俱乐部 — connect students like you who are also interested in careers in health and rehabilitation. 这些课外活动是做志愿者的好方法, 参加工作实习,了解潜在的研究生院和雇主.

创新的设施. UW-Eau克莱尔 is one of only a few schools of its size with a career center dedicated to supporting pre-professional health studies. 威廉J. 玛丽安·A. Klish健康职业中心提供一对一的咨询, 与专业学校招生代表会面的机会, 与健康相关临床研究的联系, and volunteer opportunities and workshops designed to build effective tools for career development and competitive applications.

研究的机会. A master collaborative 研究 agreement between UW-Eau克莱尔 and Mayo Clinic Health System provides unique 研究 opportunities for rehabilitation science majors. 之前的学生已经将他们的发现提交给学术期刊, like the International Journal of Research in Exercise Physiology and the International Journal of 运动科学 — two peer-reviewed journals founded for the purpose of publishing undergraduate student 研究 and providing undergraduates with valuable experience in the peer-review and publication process.

与本地雇主的联系. Meeting potential employers and gaining a better understanding of the different types of careers available to you is a critical component of all kinesiology programs. 为了帮助你探索职业道路,我们举办了一年一度的护理 & 医疗保健专业展览会, an on-campus career fair specific for those looking to enter the healthcare field. This event is an excellent opportunity to make connections and submit your resume for current and future job openings.





  • 课程长度:四年
  • 提供:亲自
  • 校园:欧克莱尔
  • 这个专业不需要辅修.
  • 主修该课程的学生将获得理学学士学位(BS). 
  • 运动机能学俱乐部
  • Pre-Physical & 职业治疗协会
  • Pre-Chiropractic俱乐部


The rehabilitation science major provides a clear path for students to continue their education in graduate or medical school. Coursework within the rehabilitation science program prepares students for professional certification in the fields of chronic disease management, senior fitness or physical activity programming for populations with disabilities. Students typically pursue certifications from the American College of Sports Medicine, 国家力量和体能协会, 美国国家运动医学学会或美国运动委员会.

毕业生也可以选择立即进入职场, 在以医疗为基础的健身中心从事职业, 心脏康复计划, 老年/老年人健身项目和社区中心.


The kinesiology department goes above and beyond for their students and believes in our potential. I truly believe I had the best college experience, which has set me up for an even better career. 威斯康星大学克莱尔分校给了我实现所有梦想的工具!

贝利Waldhauser 康复科学


奥克莱尔地区的儿童和青少年正在跳过障碍,这要归功于P.R.I.D.E. Dance, a program created and supported by 澳门葡京网赌送彩金's kinesiology students and faculty. 这个长期的项目为儿童和青少年提供认知, sensory and physical disabilities an opportunity to participate in the art of dance.

了解更多有关 program from its director — and 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 rehabilitation science major — Baillie Ollila.


植根于运动机能学和生理学, our comprehensive curriculum will prepare you for responsibilities involving the development of physical activity programs for individuals of varying ages, 残疾及特殊需要. 课程作业提供了一个广泛的, 有化学课程的文科教育, 生物学, 物理学和心理学. 教师 experts will also help you learn best practices and keep up on the industry's latest techniques.

那些希望进行物理前治疗的人, pre-occupational therapy or pre-chiropractic career path may find that majoring in rehabilitation science is beneficial. Graduates of the program find they are well prepared for the unique challenges and demands of a career in rehabilitation and therapeutic exercise.



了解更多有关 澳门葡京网赌送彩金课程目录中的综合康复科学专业


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想要一个康复学的学士学位? 这里还有一些你可能感兴趣的节目.




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