
Explore the geology - hydrogeology and water chemistry emphasis bachelor's degree program at UW-Eau克莱尔

The 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校's geology - hydrogeology and water chemistry emphasis bachelor's degree is for students planning careers in geology, 包括水文地质, 地球化学与环境地质学 — or planning to pursue graduate school in those same areas. The robust program currently meets the 1998 Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources academic requirements for classification as a hydrogeologist.

Curriculum throughout the comprehensive major will provide you with a solid foundation in areas like physical geology, 环境地质, 还有矿物学和岩石学, 特别强调水文地质学和水化学. 课程将探讨水文地质领域技术等主题, 地下水开发与管理, 水的法律, 保护地表水和地下水, 与威斯康辛州和美国水资源开发有关的问题.S.以及化学在地质问题上的应用.

植根于体验式学习, the geology department is committed to providing you with real-world experience before you graduate. A required three-week 西德克萨斯州和新墨西哥州的实地课程 will introduce you to geologic mapping techniques, including the construction of geologic maps and cross-sections in mildly deformed sedimentary and volcanic rocks. 你也将有无数的机会与我们才华横溢的教授一起工作, 进行实验,参加地质实地考察.

Graduates of 澳门葡京网赌送彩金's hydrogeology and water chemistry emphasis program go on to pursue a variety of rewarding careers. From helping a city to develop a new water supply well to figuring out how to best clean up contaminated groundwater to assessing potential water quality impacts from a new mine, 这个学位将为你带来无尽的道路. 

雅各布·埃里克森 has known since elementary school that he wanted to study geology in college. 当他准备毕业的时候, he says his geology professors at UW-Eau克莱尔 gave him a college experience that exceeded his already high expectations.


他从小就对岩石及其沉积历史着迷, 雅各布·埃里克森一直对自然科学很感兴趣. 在到达澳门葡京网赌送彩金之后, he discovered endless possibilities to find his niche and feel supported by extraordinary faculty. 

"This department is known for having one of the largest student-faculty research experiences at the university and possibly in the U.S.”雅各说。. "My connection with the geology department faculty is something that I would have never expected when first coming to 澳门葡京网赌送彩金, 但它改变了我的生活."

学习 more about Jacob's experience as a geology - hydrogeology and water chemistry major.


最先进的仪器和设施. 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的地质系, 以及材料科学与工程中心, houses state-of-the-art analytical equipment that is rarely found at undergraduate institutions. 拥有近百件独特的高科技仪器, 在这里, 你可以在校园里分析现场样本. From analytical geochemistry equipment to mineralogy and petrology equipment to the latest software used in the field — we have it all.

获得实习机会. 我们的地质学学生有无与伦比的实习机会, largely due to the rare industry partnerships we have forged through the Responsible Mining Initiative (RMI) grant. These connections give our students a huge hiring advantage with several industry leaders in the region.

实地研究机会. Student-faculty collaborative research is the hallmark of all geology programs at UW-Eau克莱尔. 教师 members will regularly encourage you to become involved in their latest research projects — or encourage you to start your own. 在这里, our professors are committed to the philosophy that learning science is best achieved by doing science. 过去的项目将学生带到蒙大拿州西南部等地, 缅因州, 安大略和瑞士阿尔卑斯山.

各种选修课. 研究环境中发现的土壤, 无机化学或河流过程以及由此产生的地貌. 超过20个学分来自你自己选择的课程. This personalized approach allows you to uncover even more interests and passions and gives you a chance to learn from multiple departments and faculty members. 

大自然近在咫尺. 我们校园的地理位置让大自然触手可及. 毗邻一个名为普特南公园的自然保护区, 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校拥有超过230英亩的地形,非常适合研究土壤. 奇佩瓦河和小尼亚加拉河正好流经我们的校园, 大瀑布县公园距离这里只有12英里.

地质学奖学金机会. 一年级的学生s interested in majoring in geology are able to apply for the Blugold Freshman 地质 Scholarship. 两份1美元的奖学金,每年有000人获奖, thanks to UW-Eau克莱尔 geology alumni who are interested in supporting the next generation of Blugold geologists.









  • 课程长度:四年
  • 提供:亲自
  • 校园:欧克莱尔
  • 这个专业不需要辅修.
  • Students majoring in this program may choose either a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS) degree.
  • 地质俱乐部
  • 女性 & STEM中的少数性别群体

What can I do with a geology - hydrogeology and water chemistry emphasis degree from 澳门葡京网赌送彩金?

The geology - hydrogeology and water chemistry emphasis program was designed to fulfill requirements for admission to graduate programs in hydrogeology, 地球化学与环境地质学. Graduates are also equipped with the knowledge and skills to immediately enter the field as geologists and hydrogeologists/hydrologists.

水文地质学专家通常在环境咨询公司工作, regulatory agencies such as the DNR and for private companies seeking to maintain compliance with environmental regulations. 这些工作是有需求的. 水文地质学研究正迅速成为环境科学的基础, especially in a world becoming increasingly more focused on conservation and sustainability.


澳门葡京网赌送彩金的地质学课程在很多方面都很棒. The department is known for having one of the largest student-faculty research experiences at the university and for its ability to assist students in obtaining internships throughout their geology experience, 通常在他们本科毕业后就给他们安排了全职工作.

雅各布·埃里克森 地质学-水文地质学和水化学重点


整个水文地质和水化学项目, 你将研究这一事件, use and motion of surficial deposits and groundwater in an effort to protect precious water resources. Rigorous field-based programs blend traditional geological field skills with modern technology and computational science, giving you an inside look at what you can expect to do in the field — and what skills will be required of you. 



了解更多有关 comprehensive geology - hydrogeology and water chemistry emphasis major in the 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 course catalog.


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考虑攻读地质学学士学位? 这里还有一些你可能感兴趣的节目.




欧克莱尔, WI 54701